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Ingredients for Butter:
Ingredients for Steak:
Step 1: Pre-Heat Grill. Season Steaks on both sides with Salt and Pepper and drizzle with Worcestershire sauce. Let Steaks sit at room temp for 15-30mins before putting on grill.
Step 2: Mix ALL ingredients for the butter, set butter aside.
Step 3: Grill on oiled grates over medium-high heat, 5-7 min per side, then over medium –low, cover grill and grill for 3-5 more min for medium rare. (Timing will depend on your individual grill and how you like your steak)
Step 4: Remove Steaks from Grill, top with lemon-herb butter and let steaks rest for 5 min before serving.
Paired with L'Ecole Merlot
Adapted from Food Network Magzine June 2021
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